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Payment Pages
Updated over 7 months ago


Payment pages allow you to accept online payments in your office, over email, through your website, or on any mobile device. You can attach Payment Pages to invoices, add them to emails or email signatures, and add them to your website. Payment Pages increase client satisfaction and the chance of getting paid immediately.


To customize settings for Payment Pages, you must be an Administrator for your firm's account.

Adding/Removing Payment Pages

If you want to add a new payment page or remove an existing one, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We are also happy to help you customize your payment pages. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

Accessing Payment Pages

You can access payment pages from several locations, including the:

  1. Dashboard > Payment Pages Button.

  2. Dashboard > Collect Payment > Payment Page Option.

  3. Quick Actions > Payment Pages.

  4. From the Payments tab, click Share Payment Page.

Edit Payment Pages

To edit a payment page:

  1. Select the Payment Page button on the dashboard or in quick actions.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Add a Title.

  4. A Description.

  5. A Payment Page Path is the URL for this payment page.

  6. Add an Email Subject for the payment page

  7. Compose a Message.

  8. Add an Email address to which clients can respond.

  9. Check if you’d like to Hide all contact information except the merchant name. Leave unchecked if you want the information to appear on the payment page and fill out or edit additional details.

  10. Add your firm's name in the Merchant Name field.

  11. Click the Save Changes button.

Add/Edit Logo

Adding a firm logo under Firm Settings>Preferences will set it as a default logo for all your payment pages. If you need to update it or add a different logo for a specific payment page, here is how you can do that:

To add or edit the logo for all payment pages + invoices:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select the sub-tab Firm Settings.

  3. Select the sub-tab Preferences.

  4. Click Edit Preferences.

  5. Update or Remove the logo.

  6. Save Preferences.

To add or edit a logo for a specific payment page:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select the Payment Pages sub-tab.

  3. Select Edit Logo.

  4. Drag and drop your file or click to browse. You can upload LPC PNG, JPG, and GIF files with a minimum size of 140px by 140px.

  5. Click the Save Changes button.

Sending Payment Pages

To send a payment page:

  1. Select the Payment Page link.

  2. Send a Link via email.

  3. Select Contact.

  4. Add Email Address.

  5. Add Amount.

  6. Send Link.

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