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LawPay Dashboard
Updated over 6 months ago


The dashboard or home page is your starting point after logging in. It has actions and financial information you’ll need to run your firm. This article helps you navigate the Dashboard charts.

The left navigation menu, search bar, timers and quick actions will be available on every page, but we will also review them in this article.

Daily Actions

The dashboard or Home page is the first thing you see when you log in, so we make it easy to start your day by including common actions. The dashboard includes buttons that allow you to complete everyday tasks such as:

  1. Collect Payment

  2. Create a Quick Bill

  3. View and Share Payment Pages

  4. Create an Invoice

  5. Add a Time Entry

  6. Add a Contact

Left Menu

The Left Menu includes tabs like:

  1. Billing

  2. Payments

  3. Contacts

  4. Reports

  5. Settings

  6. A link to Tell us what you think. The information you submit here goes directly to our development team, which helps us improve the product for users like you.

Top Bar

  1. Search Bar, where you can search for a Contact, Invoice, Quick bill, etc.

    1. With the search bar, you can search for a contact name, email, phone number, invoice number, quick bill number and more!

  2. Start Timer to track time. - see the tracking time article for more details on how this timer works

  3. Quick Actions button that allows you to perform actions related to Payments, Billing, and Contacts - see the Quick Actions article to learn more about it

  4. Profile Icon allows you to view and edit your Profile, Get Support, and View our Privacy Policy and Terms and View Statements (if you have the proper permissions. You can also log out.

Dashboard Charts

Payments Volume

This chart shows the firm's payment volume over time and a breakdown of the payment method on the right. This data can be filtered by 30 Days, 90 Days, or 12 Months by clicking on the text in the top middle of the card. You may notice the chart has two lines. The blue line is the period. The example below shows the payment volume during this 30-day period by looking at the blue line. The gray line shows the previous period. In this case, the previous 30-day period. Hovering on the chart also shows the data at that specific point in time.

Outstanding Billing

This chart aims to show you your outstanding balances across your bills based on the bank account into which payments for the bills will be made. We use the term bill here because it includes quick bills and invoices. The overdue section here will show any quick bill or invoice total that has not been paid and is past the due date. Unpaid will show the total for quick bill and invoice totals that have not been paid and are not past due. Partial will show the remaining total left on a bill. 000

Use the drop-down menu to see outstanding billing for operating and trust accounts.

Failed Scheduled Payments

Show scheduled payments that failed

Online Payments

Allows you to View the total online payments for credit cards and other options, displayed over a 7—or 30-day period.

Timesheet Calendar

Tracks time entries and goals for individuals in your firm. The timesheet calendar allows users to view their own billable or non-billable time. You can set a daily goal, and administrators can view others’ calendars to track productivity by clicking the arrow next to the user’s name.

  1. View by Week or Month.

  2. See the Total Billable amount for the time period.

  3. View hours worked and Goals Completed.

    1. Set a goal for hours worked by adding them to the Time Goal.

    2. The time will change to green once the targeted hours are completed for the day.

  4. View time entries and add a new time entry by clicking on a day.
    Note: Administrators can view other firm users' Timesheet Calendars by selecting the name from the dropdown at the top.

  5. Within the side drawer, you see time entry details for a specific date, including:

    1. The Activity

    2. Case and any Notes.

    3. Time and total charged.

    4. If the time has been invoiced.

  6. See the Day’s total hours and amount billed.

  7. Close the window, View All Time Entries on the Time Entries page or Add a Time Entry.

  8. Toggle through days by using the forward and backward buttons.

Transaction Types in the Last 30 Days

Total Transactions are all transactions tracked by category, including offline payments.

  1. Total Transactions shows a breakdown of all Transaction Types for the Last 30 Days and includes the total amount for the time period to show where the money is coming from for the firm.

  2. The chart shows the different types of payments, such as Credit cards and Offline Cash and their totals.

  3. Click on a category on the chart to see the total dollar amount for that transaction type.

Low Trust Balance Alerts

Show the number of Low Trust Balance Accounts. This article explains how to set up a trust minimum for a client. You can use the actions section to bill the client for the trust balance.

Note: Admins can make this information available or not available to firm users, depending on what financial information an Admin or owner wants the rest of the firm to see. Users who are not administrators or do not have the ability to send invoices will not see financial information. They will only see counts for invoices in each category. See the permissions article for what non-admins will see on their dashboard.

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